Principal's Corner

Welcome to Yokosuka Middle School

Hello! And welcome to the DoDEA Yokosuka Middle School website. Whether you're a student, parent, or staff member, we're sure you'll find useful information and resources on this site. Be sure to look through our site for calendars and other school-year essentials. For full and detailed school information, updates, etc. please feel free to contact our school staff via our "Contact Us" page.

Official photo of Ms. Teresa Hahn.

Ms. Teresa Hahn

PSC 473, BOX 128
CFA Yokosuka
FPO, AP 96349-0128
United States

Ms. Bonnie Ramos, Assistant Principal

Dr.. Bonnie Ramos

PSC 473, BOX 128
CFA Yokosuka
FPO, AP 96349-0128
United States

Mr. Jason L. Goodwin, DoDEA employees official photo.

Mr. Jason L. Goodwin

PSC 473, BOX 128
CFA Yokosuka
FPO, AP 96349-0128
United States

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